Martina Niederhauser
Wyssachen, CH – 1977
“I see the canvas as a diary written in colors”. Martina’s works are acrylic and ink paintings on a highly textured patterned background using vintage bookpages, newspaper and sheet music, a medium she prefers due to the aged character of old paper from all over the world.
Works CVArt
About the artist
“I see the canvas as a diary written in colors”. Martina’s work are acrylic mixed media paintings on a highly textured patterned background using old bookpages, newspaper and sheet music, a medium she prefers due to the aged character of old paper from all over the world. Martina Niederhauser paints depth, feeling, and beauty into her portraits of women. She seeks to share without words, painting the canvas as a “diary written in colors” with communicative forms and conjunctive lines: all expressing her life and her world.
Her major themes are life, emotions, feelings, relationships, moments and events that impact her inspiration. Her paintings are collected throughout the World, and can be found in many public, corporate and private collections. Martina Niederhauser was born in Switzerland and spent totally 6 years abroad, she lived as self-taught full time artist 3 years in Shanghai and 3 years in Chicago. She worked in the product marketing for consumer goods and product marketing for the medical industry before she left her job to become full time artist. When asked what she would do if she couldn’t be an artist Niederhauser says: “I would ask myself what is preventing me from becoming one.”
Collected throughout the World, Niederhauser’s paintings can be found in many public, corporate and private collections. Her artwork has been shown in Affordable Art Fairs in London, Amsterdam and Brussels and solo and group exhibitions and art fairs in Innsbruck, Berlin, Sylt, Munich, Frankfurt, Vienna and all over Switzerland.