Bram Reijnders

Eindhoven, 1974

De gelaagde werken van kunstenaar Bram Reijnders (1974) zijn het antwoord op de vraag ‘wat is realiteit?’, die hij zichzelf stelde als reactie op de wereld om hem heen waarin reclame, politiek spel, media hypes en zelfverheerlijking via social media een vertekenend beeld geven.

Works CV


Collection Bram Reijnders


Over Bram Reijnders

The layered works of artist Bram Reijnders (1974) are the answer to the question ‘what is reality?’, Which he asked himself in response to the world around him in which advertising, political play, media hypes and self-glorification through social media give distorted images to the public.

Reijnders’ work dialogs with contemporary society through our cities, cultural differences, and our icons. This conceptual aspect of his work transcends inspiration which manifests in his images.

With his outspoken photography he creates a “visual language”. The artist is constantly exploring our liquid post-modern society with enthusiasm. Edges that shine and crack are the limits where world-famous characters, childhood reminiscences emerge. Creating a compelling aesthetic result.

Reijnders intimate artistic influences are fed by the intensity of abstract expressionism and the pop dimension of everyday products, news and objects. In his photographic works, the artist provides a glimpse in time when ordinary, lonely places and objects gain an emotional quality.

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